Aztec Calendar

Two Kinds of Calendar 





·       The xiuhpohualli and the tonalpohualli calendar



o       The xiuhpohualli calendar has 365 days (365 day calendar)



o       The tonalpohualli calendar has 260 days (day-count calendar)



·       The calendars are used for either agricultural or ritual reasons








·       Called the sacred calendar



o       This calendar divides the days and rituals (symbols) between the gods


o       It is composed of two wheels that are connected to each other




·        One wheel would consist of numbers ranging from one to thirteen




·        The other wheel would consist of twenty symbols


·       The two wheels would go around in a cycle



·       When the first number and symbol realign it represents a century



o       52 years equals a century to Aztecs, usually the time when the wheels realign to start the cycle all over again



·        They believe that everyone lives up to a century and the gods would take their lives after they have lived a century




·        Holds a festival that lasts 12 days in which no light would be seen from homes




·        On the twelfth day at midnight, the Aztecs would take a prisoner and wake until the star of fire reaches zenith; to take out the heart of prisoner as an offering to the sun god









·       This calendar is used as an agricultural calendar



o       The calendar is based on the sun



o       Calendar is put on top of the ritual calendar to form one calendar (the wheel with symbols) also known as the Sun Stone



o       It has all the symbols that are used as a dedication to the god in which the number of day that the god presides








·       The calendars are designed in a way that the days can be divided equally to each god



o       Each god was fighting over who gets power, so the Aztecs designed their calendar in order to evenly distribute the days to each god




o       Gods are thought to be sun, based their calendar structure on a figure that represents the sun







Aztec vs. Mayan



·       Some people mistake the Aztec calendar as the Mayan calendar



o       Both calendars are similar, but the Aztec calendar lacks a precise way of recording their dates



·        Because of the Aztec calendar only consisting of thirteen numbers, when they record the day of which a ritual happened it would be ambiguous because the number repeats faster than the symbols





·        Aztec calendars is based off of Mayan calendars, Aztec switched the meanings and the use of the calendars to make theirs different from Mayan calendars















  By: Michelle Chan